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Yeah, I was thinking about a 75 gallon tank with a custom built land area vs the tub.  I just wasn't sure that canisters available to aquarium hobbyists would be sufficient.  I don't know much about fish keeping.  I'm inclined to wait and see how these animals fare now that they are becoming more available and more people are buying them.  I mainly want to see how dietary alternatives pan out.  I'm a bit skeptical about people feeding rat pups, turkey, canned snails, etc.  These are animals that we were told were highly specialized for a long time.  I'm not sure they'd be eating any of these other things if they had live snails available.  The main thing that concerns me about canned snails is the fact that they must be chocked with preservatives.  I'm not so high on the idea of that sort of thing as a staple.  It's like me eating cold cuts all the time instead of fresh steak or chicken breasts.  I can survive off of cold cuts for awhile, but the fresh meat is much better for me.  I hope these things all work out and these animals live long and hopefully productive lives.  I'd hate to see people dropping that kind of jack on a dream lizard to have it barely squeak by or worse.
