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I just put down half the payment for a blue/red cross male from underground (the other half I'm paying tomorrow morning) I will have him Friday! I promise to post pics Friday afternoon/evening
Congrats congrats! Yes pics are a must,cannot wait to see your little gu. Any specific sex your hoping\asked for? Also by play with,do you plan to house him with the extreme? Or just let them roam around together?
I requested a male since I already requested a female extreme, that and blues have the cutest jowels lol and I was thinking of housing together but the extreme has gotta be twice the size of thhat baby cross so I would feel safer to let them roam together under supervision the extreme is about 18" and has at least doubled in girth lol she's a fatty I wanna get a good pic of the 2 of them together
For the heck of it and knowing we all love pics here's an updated pic of the extreme I have!
Would a blue/red cross create a purple tegu? Lol. Joking aside, I love the coloring on your tegu. What's her name, and what are you going to call your new baby?
The extremes name is vanilla, I'm gonna name the blue/bluexred Eli, and I would imagine he would look a lot like a blue with maybe a pink lavender sheen kinda like the all americans have, when you look at the babies they look like blues
Woo hoo I have a tracking number for my new tegu, I asked them for a pic of the specific one they sent but someone else handles the order so oh well I'm sure he will be adorable, works out well I have to go to a college building for work tomorrow and the fed ex building is almost right across the street so lunch time comes I'm picking him up and he's gonna come to work woth me lol
My AA is bright orange on his head, and like, an airbrushed rust color other areas. It's more prominent around the black and on his cheeks/tail. Hybrid tegus are so unique, you can never tell what you're going to end up with! Make sure you take loads of pics of him growing up, I love comparing baby coloring to their adult selves.
Beautiful little one. Being half Extreme, what's the expected adult size? Still larger than a regular b/w? Or does the quarter blue even things out a bit?
I know I can't wait to see what he will look like, and as far as how big the extremes will get I don't think anybody actually knows cause the oldest AA's are yearlings or 2 years old
So I went to work at a college today for hazmat spill response training and my new tegu I was gonna pick up at lunch around 11 at fed ex, I told underground reptiles to have it held for pick up so what happens, somebody at underground didn't get the memo cause fed ex put it on a truck for delivery and I can't pick him up til the truck is done with its route at 6:30 pacific time, and its been over 90 almost all day I really hope he is ok, fed ex won't let me meet the truck during the route and won't redeliver now that I'm home :-( if he isn't ok I'm gonna be pissed at underground cause I specifically told them to have it held for pick up, their sources said it was only gonna be 88 degrees here but it was around 92 and I told him to have it for pick up anyways cause the weather is so unpredictable uggh