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Cold foods/yoghurt ?


New Member
I offer Spunky several foods , some veggies and some meat and a few dusted crickets at feeding time eveyday.
I have him for 5 days now and he only ate some crickets and wax moths so far, he didn't touched the liver, beef and chicked I tried to feed him.... today I was eating some yoghurt infront of his case and I got currious if he might liked to try some.He loved it! :p
He ate it when it was still pretty cold ( I just got it out of the fridge) and tried to stick his whole mouth in it several times, then shiverd and took a few sips. I didn't gave him to much because I didn't know if it might be bad for tegu's to eat ( doesn't stand on the food list).
It was plain bio yoghurt, no sugar added.

Can it hurt if I give him sometimes yoghurt as a treat ?
And is it ok to feed it cold the way I eat it, or should i warm it up a little ?


Active Member
I have given my tegus yogurt before also. either plain or with alittle fruit.. just not all the time and very little at a time. i believe it helps with there digestive tract! make sure it is organic thou.. most yogurts have too much sugar in it and that is bad for them


New Member
ok thanks ! thats realy good to hear because he loves it and its fun to watch him eat it ;) !

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