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Constipatated or Impacted Chaco


Active Member
Hey everyone,

My Dozer is a Chacoan WhiteHead who is just over a year old. He has been struggling to pooped for several days, with only a little urine coming out (since I'm not with him 24/7 he may be peeing regularly). He is also not eating for the last 3 days (he's also started to shed again, which I thought was why he's not eating). He's walking around and still drinking a little bit, and we have tried warm baths, and massaging his belly, with no luck.

The closest Herp Vet to me that treats Tegus is an hour and a half away, and $200 just for the visit which I cannot afford.

Is there anything I can give him to help him poop? I have read other posts about using Mineral Oil.

I'm getting very worried about him, and it breaks my heart to see him not happy.

Please, and advice you can give me would be much appreciated.

He is in an 8'5"x4x4 enclosure with proper heat and humidity.

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