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Cuttle bone as calcium source


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I was just wondering if anyone has used cuttlebone as a source of calcium I was out shopping for a new source of calciumm today, the closest store i could get too either had calcium w/d3 or phosphourus, i am looking for one without neither and i thought about cuttle bone so i bought a few and crushed them finely with a hammer, i know they are excellent sources of calcium for birds and turtles but does anyone know if they can be used for tegus

JBW Exotics

New Member
It will work great for Tegus, but you might want to run it through a blender and mix it with what ever you are feeding.
Good luck! Josh Willmore, WWW.jbwexotics.com
reptastic said:
I was just wondering if anyone has used cuttlebone as a source of calcium I was out shopping for a new source of calciumm today, the closest store i could get too either had calcium w/d3 or phosphourus, i am looking for one without neither and i thought about cuttle bone so i bought a few and crushed them finely with a hammer, i know they are excellent sources of calcium for birds and turtles but does anyone know if they can be used for tegus

JBW Exotics said:
It will work great for Tegus, but you might want to run it through a blender and mix it with what ever you are feeding.
Good luck! Josh Willmore, WWW.jbwexotics.com
reptastic said:
I was just wondering if anyone has used cuttlebone as a source of calcium I was out shopping for a new source of calciumm today, the closest store i could get too either had calcium w/d3 or phosphourus, i am looking for one without neither and i thought about cuttle bone so i bought a few and crushed them finely with a hammer, i know they are excellent sources of calcium for birds and turtles but does anyone know if they can be used for tegus
yes it will work fine for Tegus. If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me by cell/text at 334 730 3584


New Member
They use cuttle bone for turtles who use it to sharpen there [beaks] and supplement calcium ..

I can see no use for it with Tegus

Maybe that is why you don`t hear about anyone using it ..


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
See Thats just the thing its a natural calcium source, my whole thing is will a tegu absorb it the same way as say a turtle or a tortoise since they also metabolise ccalcium through uvb, i actualy found a product online that is a cuttlebone based calciumm supplement for lizards but it has d3 added, ill try it for aa few weeks to see how they take to it thanks!


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
I heard there were some issues with heavy metals....can't remember where I read it. Try a Google search for cuttlebone contamination and see what you find.

Here's one. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T8F-4HV75VX-2&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=ad1f5e12a8f3ee58b5be96fc5fd805fb

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