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does everyones tegu do this

ok so i didnt make me tegu hibernate because i had only had him 4 2 weeks anyways so during winter he only ate turkey and nothing but and now that its spring he eats everything i have today he ate a 2 dozen crickets a hopper mouse and ground turkey and its been like this for 2 weeks im not worried but does everybodys tegu eat alot like this


monstruo-the-tegu said:
ok so i didnt make me tegu hibernate because i had only had him 4 2 weeks anyways so during winter he only ate turkey and nothing but and now that its spring he eats everything i have today he ate a 2 dozen crickets a hopper mouse and ground turkey and its been like this for 2 weeks im not worried but does everybodys tegu eat alot like this

when they want to hibernate but dont they will usually only eat small items or not eat at all. i have large tegus that can eat a large rat but in the winter sometimes they will only eat a fuzzie rat.


Wait til he REALLY starts to eat. plan on spending on average 20-30 bucks a month til next round of hibernation rolls through. You might wanna rethink the not hibernating thing there. LOL
yeah i can already tell my dad just bought 250 frozen pinkies and 70 adult frozen mice lol we are planning ahead also we just got quail babies for eggs and chickens for eggs and when hes older the baby chicks and baby quail


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Lol try 5lbs of meat a week for 2 tegus, they are having a growth spurt right now so mines are eating a lot and shedding a great deal


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
You can expect that appetite of his too keep increasing over the next few mos.


New Member
agreed. 20-30 a month for just the one tegu... see i didnt think this part all the way through when i g tmost of my animals and im spending well over 100 a month right now and adfter a recent cut-back on my collection most of my animals are still small :p best thing about tegus hibernating is not having to feed them, i almost looked forward to hibernation this winter but none of my monitors or my caiman croc can be hibernated so i saved up some money, talked to my parents and got them to let me have the whole full size freezer in the garage for my food then stocked it 100% chock full of all sizes of rodents from hundreds of pinkies up to over 100 full siized jumbo rats. should last me till next winter but if you have like chickens and quail having babies that you can feed off of thats a great idea :D i may have to look into that

Dana C

My adult male eats what I think is an impossible amount almost everyday and he is not fully out of hibernation yet. He is sort of awake for a while one day and I won't see him the next.
Yesterday, he polished of 12 oz. of ground mystery meat.
The key is buying food on sale. You don't have to stick with turkey either. Look for really cheap chicken pieces pull of the skin and trim the fat.
beef heart once trimmed is very lean and is in fact leaner than ground turkey. Chicken gizzards, beef liver, and lean cuts of beef also work great. If you see extra lean ground beef on sale that is great too. I use all the above and grind it in a big food processor. I also feed whole small fish that I catch, buy or am given. They love their fish!
If you feed the above supplemented with vitamins, calcium, and veggies / fruit, it is as health as a rodent diet. My guys get FT rodents once a week or more depending if a snake doesn't eat on a given day.

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