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Eesh I suck at this


Active Member
5 Year Member
Hi all

My goo came out from undergound but was still under her hide. I got impatint so I lifted the hide and she scurried out. After that she ate some crickets so I was happy. I had my hand in the cage and she didnt seem to mind, so I tried gently picking her up. I was heading to the bathroom to sit in the tub with her, and only made it about 2 feet before she tried jumping. She landed on my bed and then jumped to the floor. I had to scoop her up or she might have gotten somewhere I could not get her.

I really didnt like that at all, she squirmed in my hand, I felt so bad. I took her to the tub and sat with her in there for 2 hours. She didnt move at all the entire time. I tried to gently pick her up again so I could bring her back to her cage, and she squirmed again.

Right now she is sitting in her warm spot. Im just going to leave her alone for a while, I need more patience. I hope I havent ruined any trust with her. :( She doesnt seem to like me at all. She is always looking at me from her cage, and if I move closer to the cage, she crawls as far as possible to get away from me. Makes me feel like a bad owner. I just want to pet and cuddle with her and make her happy.


New Member
Yea I know how it is, your tegu should be just fine. Be sure she's able to see you from her cage to get used to you. Most babies are wiggly, and accidents happen. You just need to remember she thinks you're going to kill her, and they don't really appreciate cuddles this early. What you can do is find txrepgirl's videos on youtube, and do the sweater thing. Have a shirt on, put a sweater on, put a belt on over that tight, place tegu in the space between sweater and shirt. This way they can't go anywhere, but aren't restrained and can get used to you.


New Member
I feel your pain D: mine is calm I put him on my bed and he walks around I mostly have to scoop him from going trough the cracks and under the sheets. But then I pet him and he starts to walk away fast :(


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5 Year Member
Mine wont even stay on the bed, she tries to jump off, and the floor in my room is not tegu safe.

Tegu in a shirt huh? I wonder if that works. It seems like it would stress her out really badly, being trapped in a strange place. She also doesnt seem to want to come out of her hide, so should I take her out and try the shirt thing, or just leave her alone for like a week? I kind of wanted to handel her every day, but I cant if she doesnt come out.


New Member
Mine use to run too . I know you have to treat the tegu gentle but I use to man handle mine because that would be the only way to hold him after that I started to be gentle and he never ran again. I guess get closer every couple of days.


New Member
How would u feel is a trex size predator is trying to touch ur back lol its like the statute of liberty is trying to pet u just be calm I'm sure all of ull are great owner they all come around after the they notice ur not a threat:D just make sure don't freak out when they jump and try and run out first thing is to grab them hard but remember there tail will fall off if threatened or pulled on so just breathe and it be okay I have the least patience with anything but part of having a reptile the fun of taming it:D always be prepared too before u take it out of the enclosure for the worst I mean it taking off and.running close all doors to outside world and any where he can get lost for good:D


New Member
Every tegu is a little flighty when they're young and still getting used to things. Food is the way to a lizard's heart :) Sooner or later they'll realize you're the one bringing the food, and start to associate you with good things. Just be careful to open the cage for more than just feeding them at this point, so they don't become cage aggressive, or associate your hands too much with food.


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5 Year Member
With size and familiarity comes greater confidence in these little babies. They'll become harder to spook but still new things can catch them unawares. I've witnessed a >4 foot tegu diving off a windowsill in absolute terror from a tiny bird landing too close, new things can be scary! :)


New Member
JohnMatthew said:
With size and familiarity comes greater confidence in these little babies. They'll become harder to spook but still new things can catch them unawares. I've witnessed a >4 foot tegu diving off a windowsill in absolute terror from a tiny bird landing too close, new things can be scary! :)

Haha, I can picture that in my head!


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5 Year Member
Thanks everyone.

Yea I can imagine I must be really scarry to her, like some giant monster comming after me or something. Even when she is squirmy I try to be gentle, I dont want her to loose a tail or something.

Hehe tegu leaping away from a bird, thats pretty funny. I can picture it too.

Small Update: I was takeing a nap earlier today and woke up to a small thud sound. I turned and saw her hunting and eating the crickets I left in her cage. I was so happy. Though as soon as she saw me looking at her, she froze and slinked back into her hide. lol


New Member
You will be fine, just ask yourself this each time, am I forcing the interaction, if so they probably won't like it. Sometimes it can't be helped,in cases where it might crawl ir get into something it shouldn't. I move mulch around change water, hand feed him in his enclosure, and he's fine. Just keep your hand in and move it closer when he closes his eyes. He will come to investigate on his own, they are curious. He's never shown food aggression or has been aggressive towards me in any way. Just enjoy him, and give it time.

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