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enclosure opinion


New Member
so, last Friday i got my Argentine B&W and he is BEAUTIFUL! he seems to be adjusting fairly well. the first couple of days was spent in a hide, but last night and today he is out of the hide and although cautious he does not run back to his hid when we come near.
on to the question. i currently have him in a 55 gal tank, and i know this will not be appropriate for long... my question is that i have a 6' long reptile display enclosure and was wondering what others opinion about housing my guy in this...

[/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/img]

Oh! i forgot to say that it is about 3' deep and only about 2.5' tall in the back.


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murilstone said:
so, last Friday i got my Argentine B&W and he is BEAUTIFUL! he seems to be adjusting fairly well. the first couple of days was spent in a hide, but last night and today he is out of the hide and although cautious he does not run back to his hid when we come near.
on to the question. i currently have him in a 55 gal tank, and i know this will not be appropriate for long... my question is that i have a 6' long reptile display enclosure and was wondering what others opinion about housing my guy in this...

[/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/img]

Oh! i forgot to say that it is about 3' deep and only about 2.5' tall in the back.

it will work as long as he stays around 3'. If he gets much bigger you will need something bigger, but it will work for a while.


New Member
Do you know anything about the value of these enclosures? I am pretty sure it was made by Neodesha but they dont seem to make them anymore. i was thinking about putting it on Craigslist and see if i could get someone to trade for a 8' enclosure.


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here is their homepage. It doesn't look like they make 6' any more, but it will give you an idea of what yours is worth.


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Its a nice enclosure. I'm not sure it could work for a tegu though, it looks like the glass doors cover the entire front, that might not work with multiple inches of substrate (spillage when opening). You can check ebay or faunaclassifieds to check on prices for similar enclosures. Congrats on your tegu! Any pics? :)


New Member
slideaboot said:
Is that rodent water bottle used for a humidity box? Or, what's going on in that side of the cage?I'm curious!

LOL no! the left is an empty 10gal and on the right with the water bottle is the cage i keep feeder rats in for my Blood python
rhetoricx said:
Its a nice enclosure. I'm not sure it could work for a tegu though, it looks like the glass doors cover the entire front, that might not work with multiple inches of substrate (spillage when opening). You can check ebay or faunaclassifieds to check on prices for similar enclosures. Congrats on your tegu! Any pics? :)

there is supposed to be a barrier on the front but i removed it because it was only about 2" tall. there will be a replacement put there if i make it his home. it needs to be at least 6" deep.


5 Year Member
murilstone said:
slideaboot said:
Is that rodent water bottle used for a humidity box? Or, what's going on in that side of the cage?I'm curious!

LOL no! the left is an empty 10gal and on the right with the water bottle is the cage i keep feeder rats in for my Blood python

OK! That makes more sense than whatever contraption I was inventing in my mind....

By the way, that cage is SWEET and if you put a substrate guard up, it should last you quite a while...provided it's measurements are 6x3 (like you said, I think). Of course, bigger is nicer, but what you've got seems like it'd work nicely.


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Asuming your Tegu was born in the summer of 2010 and brumated/hibernated over the winter (which would make him around 16~18" long)...

...then I believe this enclosure will work for him throughout this summer, but not next year at all...

As he gets larger exercise via free roaming will be more and more important... but also, as he gets larger he will be easier to free roam...


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Is this the same enclosure you have? If not its very similar and the seller is asking 250. Its 72" X 28" X 28", neodesha



New Member
Ya, that is basically it. mine has vents on the side and along the back and across the front and this one dont. and i think mine might be a bit older too. thanx for pointing this one out, i had signed up for an account on fauna but just this morning got the "OK" email.

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