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first time out this summernot soo good


New Member
so i got home from work its like 75 out in Ma i decided to let almika gets some real sun. i got out to my porch and sat her down and she started freaking out trying to bite me huffing. luckly my girl was there and ran to get a towel i could wrap her in. i got her inside and she was back to the norm any suggestions on wat i should do the next time?


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
If you're gonna go outside, even just to sit on the porch, have your tegu leashed. The last thing you want is to have your baby escape. Sounds like she was just overwhelmed by the sensory overload of being outside for the first time; was there anything going on (loud noises, other animals, etc) that could have distracted/spooked her?. Maybe next time try holding her in your hand and see if she stays calm.

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
Do a little more research and take your time. Just like placing them in a new enclosure they have to acclimate to all the new sights, sounds, tastes, smells and the way things feel outside. On top of other animals and things moving around that they have to figure out if its after them or not. It's pretty much sensory overload, so when you approach they're already over stimulated and revert to fight or flight.

No matter what kind of bond you have with your tegu, if they've never been outside you're pretty much guaranteed to see that other side. They'll either dart off, and they are very fast and can be hard to catch, or try and take you out lol.

Next time use a bin that they can lay in but can't get out of, a harness and leash and or just hold them to start off with, for a few minutes a day. As they relax and start to work things out with their surroundings you can lengthen the time she spends outside.

Then she'll be comfy and free roaming in no time.


New Member
ive had her out last yr but she was just a hatchling never had a problem. There were no threats or loud nosies that could have spooked her the second i sat her down she started backing away from me arching her back and tryin to bite my hands when i was trying to get her back lol. scared me but i no its just somthin we gatta work on im getting a leash tomarro

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
It's still a big change from going inside, where they're familiar with everything to outside. Where it's a completely different and larger world with more things to consider. I've had to do the towel thing quite a few times to where I just keep one handy just in case. It also comes in handy to keep them from scratching you while trying to getting down when they're not ready to go inside yet.


New Member
okay thank u for the info just didnt think it would go down like that at all lol. next time ill just hold her and let her get used to it thank u

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
It's okay, most of us have been through it. It wasn't an issue with my first Colombian Spaz, but the first time I took Dino outside and he flipped, he was a year old and had some size on him. So,. yeah that freaked me out lol and I also ran inside to grab a towel.

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