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Funny tegu blog about a newbie's experience

Rebecca Stout

Active Member
Hi guys. I started a blog about my new experiences with owning a tegu. The first entry is about the very first time I considered a tegu on up to today. It has pics, videos, etc. You start reading from the bottom. I wanted something on the web that shows what it is like for some one to get into the world of tegu's and all of the challenges. I've made it humorous for the most part.


Derek Doel

Great blog you have. I can relate to your experience with the taming, When mine was younger it was attention all the time, now that he is almost 2 years old you need to be careful when picking him up as those 20 claws are soooo sharp. Mine never seems to want to be in his cage(takes up 1/3 of a room) when he is out he had full range up the upstairs until i heard these giant thumps and when I went to see what was up I found out he learned how to slide down the stairs and climb back up them. There is no such thing as "tegu proofing" a house as well LOL

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