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Reading this thread i could not help but notice your questions were not all answered and responded too correctly due to the little argument(does not happen a lot but every ounce in a while we will get a troll or strong disagreements),so guess i'll take a shot at it.

The Arg B&W and Reds are really not too dissimilar other than the color and the red's can stand slightly higher temps,theres really not to much of a difference. I read ounce or twice that reds are more aggressive than B&w tegu and are also a bit bigger,but i think that's just a story.

The All American Tegu's are only Breed by Bobby Hill and they are a rare three way cross( "1/4 Blue 1/4 Red and 1/2 Extreme Giant tegus,") And they are still too young a tegu breed to determine a adult sized All american and with it is crossed between it could go either way,The all Americans from the pictures i have seen have a great cream/white color to them.

The recommended enclosure size for one adult tegu is 8x4x3 (LXWXH) with the absolute minimum for one tegu being a 6x3x3.

I am no tegu expert, i don't even have one yet but i have been on this site searching the threads for some time and i came across so much helpful information,this is a great forum with helpful people stick around and learn all you possibly can. There are some pretty cool threads going on right now like the "Dog chow tegu" thread is a really good one and a great read.

Good luck and welcome to the forum!!!!

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