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Going to put a deposit and hold on a Columbian today !


New Member
Hello !

I have been doing research for a couple of weeks now (almost non stop) on Tegus. I have wanted a cool exotic reptile for a couple of years now and just recently my research brought me to Tegu and I'm in love ! I have found some babies (currently only 8 inches) at a reputable exotic reptile store by my house. I have put a hold on him just because I need the 2 weeks to set up my enclosure.

This being my first reptile I do not want to do anything wrong and would like to be fully prepared. I feel I have everything but in line and understood except for lighting. I have looked around the boards and I see debate on lighting. My question is for a 60 gallon long tank what lighting and fixtures should I use ? Also do you all suggest a screen top with foil on the fixtures to increase the rays or maybe plexi glass ?

Thanks ahead of time for the help !

P.S. I know some debate that a Tegu is not good for a first time owner but I believe with time, dedication, and research anyone can successfully raise anything they want :)

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