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ground turkey


New Member
my red tegu love ground turkey, i want to know if its ok to feed her ground turkey with calcium powder has a staple or im missing some other nutrients. im feeding her ground turkey every day with pork liver,snails or fruits and I add vitamins 1 times a week.

btw shes 1 yrs old, she was 18 inch when i got her (april 1st) and grew to 26 inch in 2 months


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
A varied diet is best... Groud Turkey is a great staple within tht variety...


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
i agree with toby you will definately want to give her more variety, ground turkey alone(even with the supplements) isnt a good diet


New Member
steph13 said:
my red tegu love ground turkey, i want to know if its ok to feed her ground turkey with calcium powder has a staple or im missing some other nutrients. im feeding her ground turkey every day with pork liver,snails or fruits and I add vitamins 1 times a week.

btw shes 1 yrs old, she was 18 inch when i got her (april 1st) and grew to 26 inch in 2 months

Most meals will consist of a protein based ingredient. Turkey,chicken or other protein base are common and appropriate. What is important is to mix a blend of fruits (vegetables) with each meal to provide a varied diet. Just like humans, Tegus thrive on a varied diet. So to offer Turkey as the main source of protein and mixed with other foods (fruits,veggies,gizzards,hearts,liver etc...) is fine. But don't keep the same formula for every meal. Offer fish, eggs, worms, insects, chicks, rodents etc.. to vary the diet. I mix ground turkey, beef liver, chicken gizzards, chicken hearts, cod oil, grapes, kiwi, and blueberries as my staple diet. Then provide the alternates (chicks,rodents,fish,bugs,cherries,most fruits other than citrus and whatever) to vary the diet. Find a staple protein source because it it easy and your tegu will thrive. But do not fail to vary the diet. Just remember "If it is good for you, it is good for your Gu".

Little Wise Owl

5 Year Member
Ground turkey by itself does not contain many essential vitamins and nutrients.

As everyone suggested, a varied diet is necessary.

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