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group behaviors


New Member
Hello! I am coming to the forum with some interest in group behaviors of tegus ...I have noted some interesting behaviors in my tegus that I don't want to give away..... but here is some background info: I have 1.3 tegus... 2 of them -the male (red- apps.3 years old) and the smaller female (appx 2 years old possibly a red b&w x ).... the male is a sweet gentle giant and the this female is.a.little busy but they have gotten along well their whole lives pretty much... so I homed another female that's 3-4 years old b&w and she is a little larger than the other two and a little aggressive... anyway I have noticed a behavior in the smaller female and am wondering if tegus display "submissive " type behaviors? Sorry for the corny secrecy but I don't want to spoon feed an answer.



Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
Welcome to the site :)

Yeah,... they display submissive behaviors, most animals do. At some point one has to submit and or back down to prevent a fight, possible injury and sometimes death. If you see it more often than not,.. then they may need to be separated before things escalate.


New Member
Bubblz Calhoun said:
Welcome to the site :)

Yeah,... they display submissive behaviors, most animals do. At some point one has to submit and or back down to prevent a fight, possible injury and sometimes death. If you see it more often than not,.. then they may need to be separated before things escalate.

Lol- soooo she is doing like a sneak belly crawl when the bigger b&w is around... I seriously thought she was hurt or something... But as soon as Nike (big b&w) was not around she was back up on her legs to walk... Almost like Grace (hybrid red and b&w) was like-- ooooh I am not threat to you... I am small and broken.... ? Is this something others have seen?

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