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Hatchling Feeding and a Couple other Questions


New Member
I will be getting a B/W hatchling soon when Bobby starts shipping, :-D but have a couple questions.

Being a hatchling, I'm thinking that feeding whole pinkies may be a little overwhelming for it. If I am wrong on this please correct me and make a suggestion on a good size for a hatchling and a good place to get them from. I was thinking about getting all of my rodents and chicks when the tegu is ready from one of these places.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.rodentpro.com/catalog.asp?prod=3&label=frozen_mice&gclid=CLLvrf2Sl6ICFQO7sgod1VtDXg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.rodentpro.com/catalog.asp?pr ... sgod1VtDXg</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.bigappleherp.com/REPTILE-SUPPLIES/Frozen-Feeders" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.bigappleherp.com/REPTILE-SUP ... en-Feeders</a><!-- m -->

Also, when using frozen rodents/ground meats/chicks/organs/etc, what is the best way to thaw? I saw somewhere, but can't remember exactly how, or where I say it. Too many concussions ftl lol. I figure it would be best to do it slowly, going from freezer, to fridge, to room temp. Again, please correct me if I am wrong.

I was thinking of rotating between what I offer each day between ground turkey, ground beef, boiled egg yolks, occasionally fish filets, various fruits, veges, greens, and frozen rodents and chicks once or maybe twice a week. Also roaches while it is still small. Does all of this sound good?

Just want to get all of my facts straight before I get my gu. I think I have it down, just wanna make sure.

Thanks for any advice and info.


New Member
I'm pretty sure pinkies are the perfect size for them. They'll be about 3 weeks when you get one, and even as babies they're a good size. As far as defrosting, with my snake food, I go from freezer to fridge overnight, then put it in warm water. I don't like leaving it at room temp, I don't want them to go bad or anything.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
the pinky mice should be fine, as far as defrosting i always used the same method tora mentioned, in fact i left some rodents out by accident over night once and when i offered them to my tegus they wouldnt touch them, i had to dip their heads in egg yolk! feed as many different ground meats as possible and remember to sprinkle calcium on all the food that isnt whole prey and it should work out well!


New Member
Thanks for the advice.

And I wasn't sure about the pinkies because one of my beardies got impacted on a large cricket, so I wanted to make sure lol. But I'll get some when it gets closer to getting it from Bobby.

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