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hatchling "picky" about eating circumstances?


San Luis Obispo, CA
my new extreme, Tarot, seems to have this weird thing where, except for the first day, he won't eat unless he is standing on my hand and being fed with tongs at the same time. I've never heard about this little quirk, and I'm not sure how to react to it. when put in his bin to eat off of a stoneware plate, he ignores it after smelling it a bit. at best, hell take a bite or two from the tongs, then go back to ignoring the food. he's not very fond or trusting of me, so it seems strange that he seems to have to be in my hand to eat anything more than half a mouthful. but he is very polite about it, when the pieces fall on my hand, if he picks them up, he does so very gently. :sleepy:

he most likely will grow out of it i think, but I'm interested to hear if anyone has had similar experiences, or ideas about this strange little behavior, and how to react to it. honestly, i don't mind, but id have to go through the whole process of calming him down to pick him up (again) which is no small task lol.


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5 Year Member
Many tegus will not eat in a feeding bin due to the fact it is a new environment. It is weird that he will eat in your hand though. Try feeding in his enclosure and go from there.


New Member
My tegu, Phillip, is the same exact way! I got him a week ago tomorrow, from Underground Reptiles, not Varnyard, though. He will only eat out of my hand, less so out of my boyfriend's, but still will. I can't figure it out, but he's also very gentle about it. Interesting that mine's not the only one :)


5 Year Member
My tegu will not step on a white plate but if I move the food off of it and in front of him he eats it. but like you all he loves to eat from tongs without having to work for it. Now he will chase some Dubias no problem. I think its the feeding bin or what the food is served on that freaks them out.


Mentioning the color of the plate makes me think that this might be part of it. My Tegu, though I mostly tong feed, will eat off of a plate inside his enclosure, if offered. The plate I offer is made from terra cotta, what they make plant pots from. This color is likely much more natural looking, and the terra cotta more natural feeling, to our young Tegus.

I'm not sure it could work, but it's worth a try, right? :)


If you do try it, let me know how it goes! I'm of course hoping for the best, but it is just a hunch. :)


New Member
Re: RE: hatchling "picky" about eating circumstances?

murph89 said:
My tegu, Phillip, is the same exact way! I got him a week ago tomorrow, from Underground Reptiles, not Varnyard, though. He will only eat out of my hand, less so out of my boyfriend's, but still will. I can't figure it out, but he's also very gentle about it. Interesting that mine's not the only one :)

Would you recommend underground reptiles? & are they captive bred?

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