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I'm freaking out.   I just bought what i though was a healthy... Eating... Energetic young red tegu...... Yesterday.

Size: maybe 6" snout to vent

Basking temp  105-112 varies

Uvb: reptisun 10.0 tube 15 inches away unobstructed.

Cool side: 70-75

Middle: 80

Humidity: 70%

Water tub offered

Ate some dusted crickets and chicken gizzard when it came home.  Walked around fine was normal.

Supplements: repashy supervite.  Flukers calcium with d3 until repashy supercal comes in stock.

As I was typing my introduction post he came out to bask and I was super excited..... Until I saw his toes wiggling a bit...... By the time I went on Google in freak out mode it moved to his legs.  Thing can barely walk.  It's walking around well if you can call it walking with its mouth open.... Tail up in the air... It's been dragging itself on the landscape pavers I have scattered in the enclosure and rubbing it's snout on things.......  It can barely stick it's tongue out.   It looks like it has to pass a bowel movements sometimes...or puke.... Like its struggling with something.   

I'm so embarrassed.  But i don't know what to do.  Could I have really hurt this guy in under 24hrs??
