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heating issue maybe


the enclosure i built is huge its 6 long 4 deep and 3 high feet, so far the temps seem ok according the temp gun i have, i have tested the temps under the CHE to be in the 80s this being the cool side of the enclosure and under the UVB bulb (merc vapor) it is in the upper 90s when its on. i dont have a good thermometer to test the real air temps at this point i am going to go to home depot and get a thermometer and hydrometer guage tommorow so i have a better idea of whats going on. do these temps sound ok for him atm? i was going to get a 250 watt CHE to get the temps up higher but then i dont want it to get too hot. i have a regular house humidifier in the enclosure and it seems to run for 3 days before i need to refill it. its claiming 70-80 on its display, i have doubts as it doesn feel quite that humid to me when i have to do work inside, but it is moist for sure. he has shed twice since he has been in it and both times very fast and complete. he also has a huge plastic tub with water in it so he can soak or poop which he does both alot. i currently have to suck it out with a wet dry vac and then clean the pan and refill it with jugs, was thinking of some kind of pump with a long hose so i can pump it right out the window but dont really know what i should be looking for in that. its a huge hastle to haul the wet dry van down the stairs and dump it. im thinking about running some pipe up into that room with a small spicket so i dont have to make 40 trips up and down the stairs to refill the tub. but anyhow im just looking to see if you all have any suggestions,or comments on this.

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