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help needed, tegu hiding or wanting to hibernate?

Frisco bay

New Member
i have a 6-7 month old female red i got about a month ago or so and she is very mellow. since the day i got her all she wants to do is burrow and sleep and doesnt come out at all. i have woken her up to soak her 2-3 times a week which she likes and falls asleep while soaking, ill have her on my lap and she wants to hide and sleep. she is eating when i put food in her enclosure when shes awake but is also very picky about the food and does not eat very much at all. after eating shes off to basking for a little while or to a hide and burrow to sleep for a few days. i dont really see much of her at all. i honestly think if i didnt wake her she would stay asleep. i have read many places not to pull them from there hides or bother them. i figured she was maybe getting used to her new home and was just scared or nervous but shes is ok with me and when she is in free roam she will come to me. is it possible shes still in hibernation or wanting to be? the guy i got her from said he would wake her up everyday to eat. ive searched for answers and cant really find much. apparently shes from tegu terra. should i just let her be and wait for her to come out on her own or keep waking her up to eat and soak? could this be malnutrition from the previous owner? im concerned cause i care about her and wanna make sure shes ok.

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