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They don't poop like dogs.  They bask to process their food after eating, then lots of sleep, then poop in 1-2 days.  Yours is so young - enjoy the moment!  You prob don't notice it yet (and that's not going to continue).  I found myself searching around the tank many times with the same concern as yours.  

I don't know what the other members will think of this, but I do think some Tegus go in and out of brumation, almost as if they're not sure it's time, or as if they don't want to miss something.  My 10 month old will go hide for 5-10 days, then start clawing at the glass door as if she can't believe I let her sleep so long.  I feed her, she will go right back and do it again, then wake up for a week and want to eat at a regular schedule.  KIDS!!  My male is 2, and he hasn't brumated yet.  He never poops the day he eats, and he'll beg to get out right around the time he wants to poop.  With him, it's prob next day, sometimes 2.  If I was better at getting him into the tub more often, he'd never poop in his house.  As for your question, I've never seen one poop when it's buried.  (So it's still a maybe, but I haven't seen that with mine)   

Glad the tail's doing well!!

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