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hot spot


Just wanted to know if anyone has some good ideas to raise the basking spot. i just got my new red in 2 days ago and i know it is stressed and probably shouldn't be out much but i found him today and he was so cold the hot spot is at 105-110 depends on the time of day. What can i do? And one more question is it okay because he is in shed to soak him? Just to help with the shed.


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Your hot spot is fine. What are the temps in the rest of the enclosure? Yes it is ok to soak him as long as you don'thave to chase him around and manhandle him to get him out.

What is the humidity in the enclosure?


james.w said:
Your hot spot is fine. What are the temps in the rest of the enclosure? Yes it is ok to soak him as long as you don'thave to chase him around and manhandle him to get him out.

What is the humidity in the enclosure?

No he actually comes straight to me. He likes me rest of the cage stays 85.5

Reptiledude16 said:
james.w said:
Your hot spot is fine. What are the temps in the rest of the enclosure? Yes it is ok to soak him as long as you don'thave to chase him around and manhandle him to get him out.

What is the humidity in the enclosure?

No he actually comes straight to me. He likes me rest of the cage stays 85.5

Humidity stays at 60% i have it a little bit higher now cause he is in shed

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