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How to Switch Tegu Over to Frozen Thawed


New Member
Minneapolis, Minnesota
So I have had my wild caught Argentine B&W tegu for a week now. (I decided to get a wild caught since they were going to kill him if someone did not purchase him) he is very nice, but only seems interested in live food. I have tried to feed him chicken breast, turkey, beef even, but he just does not seem very interested. But as soon as I throw a live small rat in there, he gobbles it up. Any suggestions on how to get him interested in different food items? Or will this just take some gentle coaxing to get him to try something else? He is very nice and has no aggression what so ever.


New Member
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Actually, something along those lines wouldnt be a bad idea (since usually prekill mice for my snake, which is super quick and easy so dont worry people!) so I may just have to do the same until he gets use to it


Active Member
5 Year Member
If hes used to live rodents and your offering him beef, turkey etc its probably too big of a change for him. Try offering him pre killed and if he goes for that, then frozen thawed. even if he refuses that, you can try cutting open the abdomen of the rodent or braining, to let out the yummy smell. Tong feed so you can make the rodent bounce around appear alive to get his attention. or even drizzle a tad big of raw egg yolk on it. All tricks that have never failed me. Definitely try whatever you can to get him switched off Live as thats dangerous for him especially with rats as they can really fight back, not to mention its sad for the rat. If you can offer a whole prey diet vs scraps of random meats, that'd be healthier for him too.


New Member
Minneapolis, Minnesota
If hes used to live rodents and your offering him beef, turkey etc its probably too big of a change for him. Try offering him pre killed and if he goes for that, then frozen thawed. even if he refuses that, you can try cutting open the abdomen of the rodent or braining, to let out the yummy smell. Tong feed so you can make the rodent bounce around appear alive to get his attention. or even drizzle a tad big of raw egg yolk on it. All tricks that have never failed me. Definitely try whatever you can to get him switched off Live as thats dangerous for him especially with rats as they can really fight back, not to mention its sad for the rat. If you can offer a whole prey diet vs scraps of random meats, that'd be healthier for him too.

Thanks! He actually loves his beef, ground turkey etc. But if I try to give him a rodent that is not alive, he is not interested what so ever, but if I put a live one in there he snatches it immediately. Any idea on what I can do?


New Member
yeah I was just gunna say cut it open. and make sure its hot and smelly. if someone really isnt eating, i nuke the mouse in the microwave til it pops a lil and starts stinking and man my babies love that.


Active Member
5 Year Member
Be careful with microwaving because it causes hot spots, so if you do that be sure to let it cool before feeding it, you wouldn't want to burn them internally.

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