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human affection

Derek Doel

just curious to see if anyone else has their tegus eagerly waiting for you when you go to check on them. i always check on mine when i get home from work as he isnt hibernating and he seems to know when i am home as he is waiting for me to lift the top of his hide off(have a custom built cage) when he crawls out of the hide he will walk out of the cage and crawl on my legs and lay there. i have read they seek human attention but didnt think it would to this point


Active Member
5 Year Member
My tegu can be affectionate at times, but I mostly think she likes my body warmth. She doesnt like to lay on me, but she does like to nudge next to my legs. She definitly wants out of her cage whenever she sees me though, she knows Im the one that opens it. But
its only to be let out, not to actually be with me lol.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
I have one in particular that leans her face against the ledge and the glass and waits for me to come by. She perks up when she sees me and looks pretty cute. She does not have a particularly strong feeding response. If I take her outside she will come and lay next to me to bask. I like to think she wants to to hang out with me but I don't flatter myself too much, haha.


Active Member
5 Year Member
Thats exactly what Zilla does, lol. She rests her head on the ledge and waits for me to open the door. Well at first she does circles around her cage, and then she digs up all the dirt at the door looking for a way out. Then she pokes and pushes on the door looking for weak spots. And when she finaly gives up, she rests her head on the ledge and waits.

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