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New Member
No matter how much I mist or how big her water dishes are I can't keep the humidity up for anything!
It's at 20% right now. And I spent over an hour this morning misting her enclosure.
That was three hours ago. It was at 70% right after I misted.

I need help!!:(


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I dont measure humidity, well I have a hydrometer but I don't really look at it. I haven't had any shedding issues, none of mine have lost toes with me or retain skin longer then usual. I do keep a large container for water, I used smaller sterilite (sp?) tubs for a while but switched to little tubs from dollar tree. I try to soak them in the tub here and there but during sheds I do it more frequently. I know it stays somewhat high because I can feel it when I go out into the garage.. (Yuck) I also use a hose to get the mulch wet as needed. That really brings the humidity up.

I don't suggest not monitoring humidity though. I know its hypocritical...

Are you still using a glass aquarium for the time being? I had issues keeping humidity up when I had a savy in an aquarium. The glass tanks just aren't good for humidity lol. I'm sure you've seen this idea floating around before but you could cover part of the lid with foil to help prevent it from escaping. Depending on how long you decide to use a glass tank you could also look into sealing a piece of wood and cutting it to the size you would need for a top. Just make sure its secure!!


New Member
Yes, I'm using a 6foot long aquarium. One side is covered by glass and the other covered by screen. (that's where my UVA/UVB hood sits. And where the basking light is) the side with the screen is my hot side. And has a BIG tub of water. But that's where it dries out the most.
The cool side just has an under tank heater and it stays a little bit more moist than the hot side.
She started to shed a while ago, but never has shed everything. She shed a little piece of her head and a piece by her toe. She gets a bath almost everyday. But I'm still worried :/ I can see the shed on her. But it isn't coming off.
I even feed cod liver oil


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What type of substrate are you using and how deep is it? What are you using to measure humidity and where in the cage is it measured? Glass tanks and screen tops make it very difficult to hold heat and humidity.


New Member
I'm using cypress it's a foot deep on one side because of the set up and about 5 or 6 inches Deep on the other side.
I have 2 humidity gauges. Cool side and hot side.
It holds heat perfectly. Just not humidity :(

Shed ease? Never heard of it, I will definitely look into that!!:)


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member

There you go.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I would get a few large cups of water and pour it over the entire cage, also try to cover as much of the screen with plastic as u can avoiding the lamps, and see if that helps, i had the trouble with my red and this worked wonders


New Member
i use a repti fogger by zoo medd it keeps my enclosure at 85% all the time and i used foil for the top of the tank wit hvac tape


5 Year Member
Along with what everyone else said, you should flip your substrate too, as in soak the top with water and rotate that to the bottom, soak the top again, rotate, soak rotate, etc...this way ALL the substrate is completely moist with water. Plastic wrap on the screen is another great option because as the water evaporates it sticks to the screen at the top and holds in the moisture. You can put a water dish under the light to cause evaporation as well. Cod liver oil once a week for shedding, mix it with ground turkey or let the rat/mice fur soak it up in a bag (this is what i do). I also soak mine every other day for a good 20 min and have a water dish thats massive and can easily fit them in it. Feeding a growing tegu everyday will also help with breaking right out of their skin..during the summer the babies ive had would shed twice a week sometimes more.

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