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I have 3 Argentine Tegus. My male, who ive had going on about 4 years now, had never hibernated nor seems interested in hibernating. Ive been told that its bad for their health if they do not hibernate. Every time i hear this, it upsets me a little because thats my baby and i dont want to do anything to hurt him or what not. Ive also been told that they dont have to hibernate. Everyone whos givinen me info on Tegus doesnt own one. So, heres my question. Is it alright if my Tegu does not hibernate?


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It is not harmful to yoru Tegu to stay awake all winter...

During hibernation your Tegu's metabolism will slow down drastically, which slows down the aging process. Thus a Tegu that does hibernate will likely live a longer life than a Tegu that does not hibernate.

It is widely believed that Tegus need to hibernate in order to breed. Although there has been a number of experiences contrary to this belief.

If a tegu is forced to stay awake through the winter, this will stress the animal which is not good for it.

My theory on Tegu hibernation is that we should provide the parameters to our Tegu for them to do what it seems they want to do. If they sleep most of the day and are rather inactive while awake, cool the enclosure and let them hibernate. If they are waking up daily, being active while awake and eagerly eating, let them stay awake through the winter.

I firmly believe my Tegu knows what his body needs far more than I can guess... or some guy who has never owned one can speculate...

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