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Leave of absence


Hey ladies an gents tegu talk is kinda goin down hill a little bit so I'm going to bounce around to other forums but if I don't see you on other sites go subscribe to my YouTube channel I post new vids often and don't forget to look at my new latest vids


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
Oh, come on, iiLovexTegus, stick around! BTW, I was that first comment on your youtube vid "tegu cage rant".


Dubya said:
Oh, come on, iiLovexTegus, stick around! BTW, I was that first comment on your youtube vid "tegu cage rant".

Haha well thanks if you want I'll send you sum lipstick haha idk man I see tegu talk like a neighborhood and most people here have kids(tegus) and when you keep your yard differently or play music at night all the sudden your a bad parent you see what I'm saying


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1,000+ Post Club
iiLOVExTEGUS said:
Dubya said:
Oh, come on, iiLovexTegus, stick around! BTW, I was that first comment on your youtube vid "tegu cage rant".

Haha well thanks if you want I'll send you sum lipstick haha idk man I see tegu talk like a neighborhood and most people here have kids(tegus) and when you keep your yard differently or play music at night all the sudden your a bad parent you see what I'm saying

I see what you are saying and you are right.


Dubya said:
iiLOVExTEGUS said:
Dubya said:
Oh, come on, iiLovexTegus, stick around! BTW, I was that first comment on your youtube vid "tegu cage rant".

Haha well thanks if you want I'll send you sum lipstick haha idk man I see tegu talk like a neighborhood and most people here have kids(tegus) and when you keep your yard differently or play music at night all the sudden your a bad parent you see what I'm saying

I see what you are saying and you are right.
Yep and the home owners association( members that have been around a while that think there **** dont stink) think that they can run things


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
iiLOVExTEGUS said:
Dubya said:
iiLOVExTEGUS said:
Dubya said:
Oh, come on, iiLovexTegus, stick around! BTW, I was that first comment on your youtube vid "tegu cage rant".

Haha well thanks if you want I'll send you sum lipstick haha idk man I see tegu talk like a neighborhood and most people here have kids(tegus) and when you keep your yard differently or play music at night all the sudden your a bad parent you see what I'm saying

I see what you are saying and you are right.
Yep and the home owners association( members that have been around a while that think there Poo dont stink) think that they can run things
Stick around anyway on Club Dubya at least. We bust chops, but are a good bunch. BTW, Chitodadon borrowed your big boy pants to overcome his fear of spiders.


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5 Year Member
iiLOVExTEGUS said:
Dubya said:
iiLOVExTEGUS said:
Dubya said:
Oh, come on, iiLovexTegus, stick around! BTW, I was that first comment on your youtube vid "tegu cage rant".

Haha well thanks if you want I'll send you sum lipstick haha idk man I see tegu talk like a neighborhood and most people here have kids(tegus) and when you keep your yard differently or play music at night all the sudden your a bad parent you see what I'm saying

I see what you are saying and you are right.
Yep and the home owners association( members that have been around a while that think there Poo dont stink) think that they can run things

I think that's a harsh statement to make. I don't post very often and I pretty much keep to myself. I don't ever remember putting anyone down or saying my poo don't stink.


Rhetoric said:
iiLOVExTEGUS said:
Dubya said:
iiLOVExTEGUS said:
Dubya said:
Oh, come on, iiLovexTegus, stick around! BTW, I was that first comment on your youtube vid "tegu cage rant".

Haha well thanks if you want I'll send you sum lipstick haha idk man I see tegu talk like a neighborhood and most people here have kids(tegus) and when you keep your yard differently or play music at night all the sudden your a bad parent you see what I'm saying

I see what you are saying and you are right.
Yep and the home owners association( members that have been around a while that think there Poo dont stink) think that they can run things

I think that's a harsh statement to make. I don't post very often and I pretty much keep to myself. I don't ever remember putting anyone down or saying my poo don't stink.

Wasn't directed toward everyone I'm sure the people know the members I speak of


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
My poo smells like fresh baked bread on a brisk spring morning. But I am again off topic.


Dubya said:
My poo smells like fresh baked bread on a brisk spring morning. But I am again off topic.

Hahaha here is something funny for you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqDVV1inUy8&feature=youtube_gdata_player wait till the end


laurarfl said:
Well, I am one of the longest running members, so hope it wasn't directed at me. My poo is quite smelly.

No not towards you I must say that the respectful and I guess you could say more inspiring members are out weighed by the disrespectful members that think bc they have a tegu they know everything


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
I knew everything before I even got a tegu. Heh heh. Jk :p

Sent from my ZTE-Z990G using Tapatalk 2


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5 Year Member
No one should have an attitude of "my poo don't stink"
The best part about a community like TeguTalk that is dedicated to animal care is that people can all suggest what works best for them and hopefully the best general practices bubble to the top.
I'm not saying we should all argue until blue in the face but if everyone weighs in on a topic and is respectful of others opinions, then everyone wins because we can have educated mature discussions about any subject relating to the hobby. This makes the hobby BETTER!
< / end rant >


Josh said:
No one should have an attitude of "my poo don't stink"
The best part about a community like TeguTalk that is dedicated to animal care is that people can all suggest what works best for them and hopefully the best general practices bubble to the top.
I'm not saying we should all argue until blue in the face but if everyone weighs in on a topic and is respectful of others opinions, then everyone wins because we can have educated mature discussions about any subject relating to the hobby. This makes the hobby BETTER!
< / end rant >

No I hate to say this and I'm not going to drop names but there are plenty of ppl here that think they are all thing bc there gu is the biggest or bc they spent a grand on a cage or bc there temps are and the perfect place and never leave ok I can say honestly I've read over half the posts and comments in this site and ever since I join it has gotten worse and worse


5 Year Member
Funny how James leaves and now everyone follows suit. Guess people don't think for themselves anymore.

I've refrained from posting about all this but after seeing the third thread of someone "announcing" they are leaving I just have to say something. This is a website where people ask questions, get answers, and exchange pictures or their tegus with fellow tegu owners. If you want to leave, just exit your browser and don't come back. I see no point in making a thread and announcing it to everyone just because James did it. Not saying you did it ilovetegus but it just seems like everyone is following James because they think he is right. I thought this forum was like any other forum UNTIL people like James and everyone else started complaining about little things.

Also I'm not bashing James or anyone in particular I just think this is getting a little out of hand and childish.

Sent from my DROID RAZR


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5 Year Member
People like James didn't start complaining about little things, people started becoming obnoxiously childish, constantly off topic and completely opposed to any form of criticism or disagreement. It's not one little thing that started this, it's a lot of "little" things that add up. I've been on this forum for almost 5 years and I haven't seen it quite like this ever before and it's not a good thing. I don't think people are "following James", I think they are leaving because they agree with him and are tired of it.

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