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Honestly, I would say go with a bearded dragon, or a crested gecko.  They are easier to take care of and still a fun animal to have. If you have lizard experience,  I would say you should go for it and your little brother can learn from your tegu. By the way, I suggest the tegu over the iguana. I've never owned the rock iguana, but I have had some greens.

Another thing to keep in mind is all the care a tegu requires. I am sure you av done some research on the tegu. So you know that they require a huge cage, uvb, lots of food. They hibernate for a good amount of the year. They are also sensitive to cage feeding. They are not an animal  you can just feed when you have time or let it sit in its cage and expect it to just be tame. If you and your brother are ready for the commitment, then go for it. But I hope you ask ANY AND ALL question here. Everyone on this bored will be more than happy to help. Please keep  us informed on your decision.
