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Like New Exo Terra Incubator


New Member
I have an exo terra incubator that I have no use for since making the decision not to breed. Only used once for corn snake eggs that turned out to be duds. Comes in the box with the car adapter and manual and everything. 150 dollars or best reasonable offer. I may entertain trades, I am interested in bearded dragons, large tanks, and tegu supplies. Or just shoot me an offer, worst I can do is say no. Located in central Michigan, will drive up to an hour to meet you. Fastest response via e-mail [email protected].

(Also, could be an off-the-wall request but if you have a nice quality large hookah you don't need, I would love to trade for that.)


New Member
I didn't realize that you can't edit posts after ten minutes, so sorry for the obnoxious double post. If you are interested but not in Michigan and are willing to cover shipping costs, I would ship it. Also I forgot to add in my trade bit that I may be interested in certain gargoyle geckos, but not cresteds.

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