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My new baby Tegu


New Member
Well today was a good day as my baby Tegu was delivered!!!! The little thing is an unsexed CB11 and born July, hes very alert and exploring his new home digging in the substrate and soaking up the heat.

Sadly he had a fair bit of retained shed on his tail which is now mostly removed and theres a tiny bit on one toe which I am hoping will rub off now hes in the correct set up.

I brought the little critter as an Argentine black and white Tegu however on reading post in the Blue Tegu section I think he shows some of there attributes to! id be grateful if you could give me your opinions?

anyway, heres the pics as promised!






Thanks in advance!!!!


New Member
Awesome!!!! Was sold as a high white black and white, I only paid £150 for the the little thing which is very cheap for shop prices in England!!, fingers crossed its a female as my other half who is holding the gu in the pics has a male.

I've left a little bit of cooked egg in the viv in case he fancies a munch but will now leave him to settle for a day and then just feed and water change until he gets used to me. I had a quick hold before putting him in the new viv and he was pretty calm, not bitey at all but just a little flighty as he warmed up.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Isn't this the second blue that was bought as a B&W overseas. I'm gonna guess there is some new/different blue blood over there. We need to get some of these shipped to the states. Would you mind giving me some contact info of who you got it from?


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
If it is new blood, I'd be willing to purchase a female blue overseas to breed to Sobek. Please do share the info!


New Member
james.w said:
Isn't this the second blue that was bought as a B&W overseas. I'm gonna guess there is some new/different blue blood over there. We need to get some of these shipped to the states. Would you mind giving me some contact info of who you got it from?

Would be my pleasure!

Email: [email protected]

Mine was the last Tegu they had from a breeder they know. They also breed themselves but I'm guessing blues are pretty few and far between over here so many are not realising what there selling or indeed buying...


5 Year Member
What the hell how do people get SO lucky, nothing cool ever happens to me like that. 100% a blue and a good looking one, congrats and enjoy the mistake :D


New Member
james.w said:
Isn't this the second blue that was bought as a B&W overseas. I'm gonna guess there is some new/different blue blood over there. We need to get some of these shipped to the states. Would you mind giving me some contact info of who you got it from?

I'm pretty sure these one's were shipped from Brazil hence the bunch of Blue's that seem to have been in the shipment. I got my girl from a guy up north over here who got some from the same supplier although they were known to have been Blue's (so I paid Blue prices!!!!). They were shipped from Brazil to Germany and then brought into the UK - it was only a small import so there aren't that many. Blue's are still very rare over here but it does seem to look like the one's that are here, including mine, are likely to be a different bloodline.


New Member
solid said:
james.w said:
Isn't this the second blue that was bought as a B&W overseas. I'm gonna guess there is some new/different blue blood over there. We need to get some of these shipped to the states. Would you mind giving me some contact info of who you got it from?

I'm pretty sure these one's were shipped from Brazil hence the bunch of Blue's that seem to have been in the shipment. I got my girl from a guy up north over here who got some from the same supplier although they were known to have been Blue's (so I paid Blue prices!!!!). They were shipped from Brazil to Germany and then brought into the UK - it was only a small import so there aren't that many. Blue's are still very rare over here but it does seem to look like the one's that are here, including mine, are likely to be a different bloodline.

And mine was only £150!!!!!

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