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sorry if this is in the wrong forum i was not sure which one to post in anyways this is my yellow throated plated lizard hades and he only has 3 legs he is also a rescue he lost it in a fight with another male
Great pic! I used to work with a Sudan plated lizard. They're really cool and I'd like to get one, but I've only ever seen them at conventions. Plated lizards are quite hardy and will eat just about anything that will fit down their throats.
Ah I miss mine. I had a Sudan Plated that was 18 years old when he passed away, I had him for 10 years and my dad had him for 8 years before that. Very cool lizards.
i hear they can get dog tame, kinda like tegus. is that true? never got the opinion first hand. but i sure do love them, so beautiful, just can't go getting every lizard i love though... lol