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Need help finding the cheapest way to build a tank ?? please any input would be great !


New Member
I have a 3 year old Argentine black and white rescue , just was curious where to even begin when it comes to building a tegu enclosure . She's in a 6x2 1/2 right now but want to go a bit wider . She's 3 1/2 feet as well if that helps . Any input would be great thanks .


Active Member
Very simple get some half inch plywood cut down at Home Depot to your measurements two lengths of 2x2 and some cheap hinges and a couple pieces of plexi glass as well as a cheap lock and a can of dry lock. Sphagnum moss by the brick at Home Depot for substrate and a mixing tub in the masonry department for water. Make a box with the plywood and screw it together so it can be broken down if u move. Cut both lengths of 2x2 down and put them vertically in the corners. Cut out your holes for the plexi pre drill with two different bits to avoid cracking and screw to the inside covering the viewing holes. Make a cutout on top or sides and attach hinges before finishing the corner n the piece becomes the door. Silicone the inside seams at least half at around he base wait 24 hours and apply a thin coat of dry lock to the entire interior. Let the first coat dry well maybe three hours and then reapply several times until the entire gallon is used and you should be good to go! Good luck!


New Member
Oh okay figured malemine was good but it's probably more expensive. How does the dry lock work when I decide to take apart when I move? Just re apply again? (sorry for my bad spelling)


Active Member
roughly 2-300 if you can find glass to replace the plexiglass that's one of the most expensive parts. As far as taking it apart score the edges with a razor blade and space your screws out every 8 " so you can find them I suggest t25 tori bit decking screws as they are less likely to strip


Hey Dude, do you have a pic of one of these you could post? I need to build a cage too, and it would help to have visuals :).



Active Member
Here ya goo very simple


Active Member
I am adding a uvb 10.0 36" to the middle otherwise I'm using 150 power sun plus 150 w heat bulb for morning and evening warm ups. I added a huge hide in the middle and a huge mixing tub on the left full of water and slate to climb in and out of.
I'd add that as far as light fixtures, if you want to save a buck, buy porcelain lamp holders at Home Depot for less than $2 each and wire them up yourself. It's incredibly simple and cheap. That's what I did. (Minus the UVB bulb)


New Member
Thats a good idea what did you wire the fixture to though ? Is it wired with a wall outlet or ? This is my first time
Yup, wired to any ol' cord with a 3 pronged outlet. You can find instructions on google easily. All you gotta do is cut the cord off an old appliance you don't need, and strip the ends of the wires. Then just wrap the ends of the wire around the screws on the lamp holder and tighten them down and you're done


New Member
Theres way to much air flow in a dog cage , i may s ee maybe heating it but as far as humidity goes i even had to seal most of my screen top to my current enclosure ?


New Member
Magnus thats a pretty nice enclosure i think im gunna go somewhat the route , thinking about finding used windows with the frame and install it as if it was a door lol also noticed you built yours in thw garage , how did you get it inside without taking it apart ? I've been trying to make it so i dont have to take it apart if i move but no matter what tegu cages are wider then standard door frames .


Active Member
Magnus thats a pretty nice enclosure i think im gunna go somewhat the route , thinking about finding used windows with the frame and install it as if it was a door lol also noticed you built yours in thw garage , how did you get it inside without taking it apart ? I've been trying to make it so i dont have to take it apart if i move but no matter what tegu cages are wider then standard door frames .
Ahh this was the most challenging part to the build. I actually had to alter the way I built the enclosure due to this issue. Originally I was going to build it to be able to fit through the doorway however that wouldn't guarantee that it would fit through the doorway of wherever I was moving it so instead I decided to go with the full width having the intentions to break it down in case we decided to move someday. 15 years is a long time and a lot can happen! So I came up with the idea to put interior light framing on the inside corners holding the outsides together by forward facing screws.

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