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Hi I am sure you have already bought him a new cage. I have 4 bearded dragon one of them is a 1/2 german giant. Unfortunately getting a 3 ft high cage would be a disaster. The problem with that is they need to get with in inches of there UVB light. So a cage being that tall would not be providing your boy enough uv light. Since you said he is slowing down he is obviously no going to be climbing (at which they do minimal as is). I know you have had him on sand for a while and if it has worked for you great but you do risk impaction from digestion of it. Some people have never had a problem for me I lost my first boy from that. Also he had a 2ft high cage and was not receiving the appropriate heat or uv. Your set up now looks great for your guy. He is a good looking boy too :). Sorry just wanted to add my thoughts.
