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New member and need help with tegu care


New Member
Ok first I do not have a tegu but I really want one I live in southern cali and have a small backyard in our condo. I was wondering if you can house babies outdoors and the other question was tegu care from what I have read online its just people fighting and I would love to finally have a clear answer thanks in advance guys!

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
Welcome to the site :) . I wouldn‘t reccomend housing small tegus outside. They can be escape artists and you have a better chance of finding and catching them when kept inside, outside... good luck with that. A larger tegu can‘ t hide in as many places a smaller one can, it‘s also not as easy for them to escape.

As for the rest I don‘t get what the second question is or was. I guess it‘s about tegu care and arguing. Like everything else we don‘t all do things the same and what works for one tegu may not work for the next. Meeting their basic needs is what matters and just about everything else varies. Even that can vary to a degree, so you start with the basics, make adjustments when necessary and go with what works for your tegu.

People will always disagree, but every disagreement is not a fight or even an argument.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Welcome to the sight.

I think Bubblz hit it right on the head with both answers there. Tegu care is hard to sum up in one answer or even one care sheet. Its best to read over everything and then ask about particular things you may have questions like lighting, bedding or handling. We are all different people and have had different things work or fail for each of us.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
And people have different opinions on how they keep their animals. People expresses themselves differently, so sometimes it is like fighting.

As for keeping babies outdoors, it would be good for the sunlight, but difficult for taming and escaping, like Chelvis said.

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