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new tegu owner and a question


New Member
hey guys, its my first post but Ive been getting info on tegu since january.

I have a red tegu that I bought April 1st, she will be 1 year old in a month.
I give her ground turkey, chicken, dubia roaches, papayas, beef liver, 1 time a week a rodent and also 1 time a week a little COD liver oil mix with her ground turkey. I always add calcium powder to her diet except on rodents and 2 times a week multivitamin. I also gave her scrambled eggs, bananas and kiwi only 1 time since i got her. (always feed her raw, except eggs).

my question his if I can give her pork chop because i got a bunch of it but Ive never heard someone giving it to tegus?


Active Member
i dont know if pork is good for a tegu...??? good question thou

i just read that pork has alot of parasite in it and not good for your tegu..


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5 Year Member
It is unlikely, yet possible, for USDA food grade pork to contain parasites.

Chunks of pork are much more dense than foods generally suggested for Tegus. I do not think it would hurt a Tegu to eat a pork chop, but I would expect digestive issues if eaten too frequently.


New Member
Pork does not contain the same amino acid profiles as red meats. The darker red the meat the greater the amino acids available. Amino acids are the building blocks used by all animals to make there own protein which is used to make muscle, skin, tissue, organs etc.. Feeding small amounts of pork will doubtfully harm your animal, but will not benefit it nearly as much as lean dark red meats. It goes the same for people, "what is good for you is good for your gu". Hope this helps

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