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Good looking little lizard, but there are a few issues with your enclosure.

-Your cool side is a little too cool, ambient air temp should be at a minimum of 80F, preferably closer to 85F

-Your basking spot temp is also too low, 110F would be much better, although offering a temp gradient would be best. I regularly find my Tegu at the 130F portion of his basking area. How are you measuring basking temps? To properly measure you need an infrared heat gun, as you need to be measuring the actual surface temperature, not the air temperature above the surface. Thermometers will NOT give you a correct basking temp reading

-I didn't see anything about humidity in your post, you should be maintaining a MINIMUM of 65%, preferably closer to 75%. This can be attained by daily misting, humid substrate, better sealed enclosure, etc.

-I see both your UVA and UVB bulbs or on top of the screen, believe it or not, going through the screen DRASTICALLY cuts down on the amount of necessary UVA/UVB actually reaching your Tegu, the bulb really needs a clear path to the Tegu

-I don't see a proper hide, to really feel comfortable your Tegu will need a permanent hide, that doesn't require he burrow. Also, there should be one hide you never disturb, or pull him out of. Kind of like your bedroom in your house. All for the sake of making your new Tegu comfortable and keeping stress levels down.

That's great that he's eating so well already! That shows that he is a healthy and active lizard ready to grow, I would just work on some of the husbandry issues I mentioned if you want him to stay that way.
