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Hi, we have a 3 years old black and white Tegu named Walter.  We are hoping that someone can relate to our problem.  Walter has not been flicking his tongue for several weeks.  We took him to the vet here locally and they told us to change his diet by adding whole mice.  We did that and he still wasn't flicking his tongue.  So we took him to a vet a couple of hours away that specialized in reptiles and he sedated him and said his tongue was coiled up in the back of his mouth and he pulled it out with forceps and it was fine.  He did well last night and this morning and now he's not flicking his tongue again.  We can see his tongue coiled up a little on the left side of his mouth when we fed him tonight.  Not sure what to do or if anyone else has see this.  We are willing to try recommendations because paying for expensive vet visits has not helped.
