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Hey there. I know it's been a few years but did you ever get this problem figured out?

My wife and I are having a similar experience with our B/W tegu.

We have a 3 year old male b/w tegu and he very rarely sticks his tongue out. Usually just the tip. He is mega chill because we have raised him from a hatching.

Enclosure is 8'x3'x3'

Daily interactions. Baths 2 to 3 times a week. Diet is good. Eating is great. Drinking, pooping, shedding, temperament... All fantastic.

Basking spot is roughly 120f

Humidity and heat are monitored by a controller. Humidity is held between 75% and 88%. Temp gradient is between 85f and 75f.

He might just be that relaxed and comfortable that he simply doesn't flick his tongue much but I just thought I'd check in with your post.


