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Quotes from this website. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.michaelandjudystouffer.com/judy/articles/vinegar.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.michaelandjudystouffer.com/j ... inegar.htm</a><!-- m -->

Now one thing they never said was should I spray on then wipe up then spray the other and wipe up? Which I believe is what your trying to say Tux but not 100% sure. Don't suppose you know the answer?

I was told on another that you spray them both down from seperate containers one after the other, then wipe them up and your done. Which is what I've been doing but now I'm wondering if I was doing something wrong here...

So yeah... don't suppose you wanna go into a little more detail with your answer Tux?
