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Problems picking up food



I have a fully grown adult argentine b/w tegu that has problem picking up his food. He used to be bowl fed and he would tilt his head down forward almost vertically to grab his food in the dog bowl which had a couple inches depth if you know what I mean.

At some point, as he grew bigger and bigger, he started biting the edge of the bowl instead. I tried a plate which is shallower and he would still bite the edge of the plate. Finally I tried a flat tile and he would then do the same head tilting vertically and bite just in front of the food (e.g., the food is in front of his nose, he would tilt his head forward and bite one inch between him and the food, gapping his mouth biting the floor). If I hold the plate at a slant he gets the food easier. I am not going to do that anymore as it is exacerbating the problem.

I've been to many forums and all the suggestions seem to be just to help him, such as spoon feed, even open his mouth and put food in etc. all of which I refuse to try because it will make it worse.

I have left the food on the tile and just try to let him figure it for the last few weeks and he has shown some improvement and eventually get the food for a few bites tilting his head to the side. But each time I feed him he has forgotten and do the same old thing. He doesn't eat a whole lot each time before he loses interest. He is nice and fat so he has some leeway to get a little hungry.

I really need some help with this. Hope some experts can chime in.

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