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Pyxie Frogs


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5 Year Member
I super badly want a Pyxie frog, however - like most things - my local pet store will not order them for me at a reasonable price (they want around $70 each). I was just wondering if anyone knew of a GOOD site I could possibly buy one from. Keep in mind that I live in Canda, so they would have to ship it across the border.


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5 Year Member
Sam is the only one that I know of in Canada.
You could try him if you wanted to.
I have his email, pm me if you want it.
I wish it were that easy to ship there from here!


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5 Year Member
To be honest, your best bet would probably be just to pay the amount your local store has them. I am not sure how much the shipping rates are in Canada, but here overnight is pretty much around $30-$60 so in the long run you'd be paying more :/.
If you are looking at US prices, the export permits would cost a lot more.
All and all, if you want one, I would just pick up one locally. If you were looking into pairs/groups, youd have to buy quite a bit to make it worth your money in shipping.

-Jon DeLong


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5 Year Member
I'm in Canada. You could call my friend Nathan at NorthernReptile.com and ask him if he could bring one in for you. Although I'm not sure if he ships. Where abouts are you located in Canada?

Also, there are expos happening a lot now in the next month.


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CaterpillarGiraffe said:
I'm in Canada. You could call my friend Nathan at NorthernReptile.com and ask him if he could bring one in for you. Although I'm not sure if he ships. Where abouts are you located in Canada?

Also, there are expos happening a lot now in the next month.

I live 2 hours North of Toronto. I will definetly give your friend Nathan a shout.

I am pretty sure there is an expo next weekend... The only thing is, the expos are always 3 or more hours away from me in both directions. That's why I like shipping because it saves me a trip. But it looks like I will be heading down to the expo because it is probably my best bet.

Thanks everyone!


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5 Year Member
Next expo is June 14th in Mississauga. You'll for sure find a Pyxie there. If not, Nathan could always possibly get them in. He's located in Newmarket.

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