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So far we're doing everything right, just one question. We'd like to add some leafs to his enclosure but hestitant to use leafs from outside. I hate to sound dumb but I want to do the right thing.
If you want to add leaves from outside, just bake them in the oven on a sheet ban for a few minutes to sterilize them.
Otherwise, right now all the craft stores have fake fall leaves in stock, because of the season. They are pretty cheap, and you could buy enough of them to make a nice pile to burrow into. The plus side, they are washable as well.
Im not sure what tree species would be toxic to amphibians since they do absorb chemicals through their skin. But if you are looking for leaves, I cant remember the exact name of the dudes site but check out "Josh's Frogs" I have seen him selling leaves that are usable in Dendrobates vivariums and what not. Just sucks with amphibians cause the whole skin thing, lol. Also, because chytrid (spelling?) fungus has been so rampid here in the Americas, I wouldnt use anything from outside cause sometimes baking just isnt enough, though it helps A LOT lol. Good luck.
-Jon DeLong
P.S. There are some good vivarium forums that may beable to answer your question and give sources/species of plants.