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Depends on the tegu ... If it goes into hibernation ... How much it Eats and genitics .. so its really hard to say ... mine is 8 months n only 21'' long but i have heard Of them bring 40 some inches long
Ya you really cant answer this question at all because there are so many factors that come into play as stated above. The main factor is the hibernation/brumation, ones that dont hibernate or brumate can literally become nearly fully grown in a year and ones that do hibernate every year would take much longer...it really just depends. Also depends on the diet and how often and much you feed as well. My red is a '11 baby and hes not hibernating or even brumating and hes growing like a weed, sheds once a week pretty much and is already over 20 inches long, your talkin a few months old...Also I'm in the process of making a growth/weight chart for him right now as well that I will post every few months to keep people updated and kind of give a rough estimate on what to expect if your gu isnt hibernating or brumating and you keep it on a proper diet