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You cannot hold him I can sometimes get him to go on my arm. My dogs have been a huge problem in taming him down they went after him and after that he became very skittish. When he free roams he will climb right over my body to get where he wants to go even if I try to stop him so he is not afraid of me. He will also eat from my hand blueberries are his favorite 90% of the time I can pet him but sometimes he runs to the other side of the cage. He will need some work but I am betting without my dogs being around he would settle down but rhinos take quite a it longer than other reptiles to become really tame.I am selling all my large lizards because I have a health issue so I have not been working with him the last week. I have a thread up about him. When I bought him I paid $400 including shipping I am not looking to make money this is being done out of necessity.
i been looking into a rhino for a while. i have a 75 gallon that i could put it in for while too,but im short on money right now so im thinking it over. its temperament sound good. i was just concerned with biting lol.