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Sealing inside enclosure

christopher wisher

New Member
I built the same 8x4x4 for my Argentinian B&W Tegu as I did for my monitor. Now I water proofed the inside walls with Marine varnish and placed 4 coats on it. I used Drylok on the floor and used aquarium grade caulking for the corners. I’m placing a pond liner on the bottom as added protection. My question is after I leave it to cure should I place a heater inside while sealed up to raise temperature to what it’s normally going to be and let it cure again? If so how long?


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Some products will not set properly under such high temps, so make sure everything is fully cured and dry before raising the temp as its not worth the risk.... Once cured theres no point trying to cure it again under high temps as the product is already as dry as its going to get.

christopher wisher

New Member
Ok I wasn’t to sure as some sites says let sit and cure then some say that you got to let cure again under the temps you’re going to have as the heat can cause the wood sealant to release harmful vapor.


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I can't see it (or should that be smell it....haha) but if you're worried after letting it dry, just try heating it up to top temp for an hour or two and see what you think any odour should have dispursed by then if its going to.... You can then weigh up your options from then.

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