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She finally ate!!!

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
:dan I've been so worried about this girl, taking her to work and class with me because I didn't want to leave her alone. Waking up in the middle of the night to check on her and make sure she was still alive. Even though I know snakes can go a long time with out eating.

I tried feeding her twice a week since she has never refused food. She would strike and coil but would never eat or even try to swallow it. She's lost weight and she's not as strong as she use to be, so this week I got 2 mouse hoppers and she took both of them. :D She was on sm rats when all of this started. After this feeding if she didn't take the hoppers I couldn't decide if I was going to start force feeding or have her put to sleep. Even though I know force feeding would have added even more stress to the situation.

She was busy today so I knew she was hungry and looking for something and she finally did it. :mrgreen: Talk about a weight off of my shoulders, soul survivor, the littlest of them all and she pulls through.

I hadn't named her before,..couldn't come up with anything that fit and if she didn't make it. Maybe I would be less attached if she didn't have a name. But that didn't work out, there's no way I couldn't get attached.

So today I dubbed thee,...Spiral. Which is an Ultimate X-Men character aka Rita Wayword.

For anyone that doesn't remember I lost all my reps except for this girl a couple of weeks back, 3 Tegus and 3 Bps.


Active Member
I am so glad she finaly ate for you :app I have a ball python that didnt eat for 11 1/2 mos we took her to the vets gave her shots everyday and tryed to force feed her. the vet said there was nothing wrong with her ... and one day I bought a rat for her almost a yr later and she ate it.. I cryed like a baby..lol I was so worried about her she had lost alot of weight and I did the same thing checked on her all the time and tok her everywhere just to make sure she was ok.. :woot


5 Year Member
:app I am SOOOOO happy for you and Spiral. TLC can work wonders :) . Thank you for keeping us posted. Please tell her " good girl " for me.

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