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Shedding trouble


New Member
Hey guys,

I didnt even realise I had an account here until I tried to create a new one a moment ago, basically I am not active on these forums and came on here to get some help so I hope you guys dont mind to help out a stranger.

I have an argentine tegu, had her for 2 years now. Shes an adult of around 7/8 years, she has had two previous owners (at least). At the last owner the care wasnt optimal, when I got her she already had a dark coloured tail tip that is slightly thinner then the tail (still a live bit of tail), I guess this is because of bad shedding in the past. I actually didnt notice that the tail tip was out of the ordinary until a few months back when I noticed she should have a continued pattern over the intire tail.

Currently she is shedding badly, while I am sure her tail has shed before I have to admit not to have taken close notice to the tip of the tail so I do not know if that has shed last times. Problem now is that the intire tail wont shed, I have been bathing her almost daily now and applying shedding aid almost daily too. I upped the constant humidity in her enclosure. Now it has taken so long she has gone into another shed so it is starting to worry me.

Any tips to aid the shedding further?

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
Welcome to the site :) and thanks for coming.
What does her diet consist of?
What are you using to measure temps and humidity?
Have you tried using a humid hide? It's something you can try and use inside of their enclosure or out since some don't take too well to baths.

Dana C

Some times the answer to shedding problems can be tough to address. If you live in a dry climate like I do, Idaho, it is very difficult to keep humidity at optimal levels. Also, I have found that a Tegu that sheds great for a few months will all of a sudden have a really hard time shedding. As Bubbles indicates diet is an important part of the equation but it is difficult actually pin down its specific effects on shedding. Many recommendations are anecdotal based upon personal experience.
What works for one is not guaranteed to work for another.
I would say keep up with what you are doing. It sounds like you are doing a good job of handling it.


New Member
I almost forgot i started this thread. What happened was that the tail skipped a complete shed, shortly after i posted this she went into another shed (which was what worried me) but the tail fully shed and i forgot about this thread. She gave me another little scare when she broke into my ventilation and got stuck in a unreachable place. Luckily she managed to get out unharmed. Now im proud of a healthy happy active tegu roaming around my place. Thanks for the feedback guys!

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