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size question


New Member
5 Year Member
I am happy to report that mordecai has pooped finally and his appetite has also improved immensly, I think He was unhappy with being boarded... I bought new lights and his walking seems a little higher as does his energy level ... I am feeding him whole prey 3 times a week now as well as chicken gizzards and livers ... he measures 30" and will be a year old in august he is a normal tegu I bought at a reptile convention from lll reptile does his size seem normal? he has always been a good eater and sheds regularly is this a regular size? any input appreciated : )


New Member
5 Year Member
30 inches at around a year old seems pretty normal to me.

The size of these animals is pretty general. I would focus more on his weight and body shape to determine good health rather then how long he is.

Glad to see he is eating for you again.
Yeah, boarding reptiles is never a good idea. You could have been gone for 5-7 days and as long as you feed him a few good meals right before you left and just left some heat on for him, he would have been fine.


New Member
5 Year Member
thanks! it is such a relief to have him acting normally again :-D and yes I will not be boarding him as that just seemed too stressful. I was curious about his size because everyone seems to have much larger tegus at even 5-6 months of age I am happy to hear he is not stunted or ? ....I'm probally a little tegu care crazy recently :oops:

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