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Spoilng a baby


New Member
Hello all !

I have my baby Spunky for a week tomorrow :)
He is my first tegu, and we have made some realy great progress in just a week time. On the trusting and handling part he has been above all my expectations, on the feeding part he is good but still not perfect.

So I want to really spoil him with a nice treat for tomorrow's dinner.
Can i get some opinnions on what your tegu's love to eat as a treat ?

all sugestions are welcome :)


New Member
haha a gazelle ?:p We don't have those in europe, and I don't think he can swallow that (yet) ;)

But blueberries is a good idea !


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roaches for sure, they're really crunchy and pretty nutritious. All of my tegus love blueberries and strawberies, I'm not sure if a baby would eat them though. Its funny to see them eat worms, they're really juicy. My tegus love different kinds of fish and seafood. I think their favorite so far has been scallops. I just get the little frozen packs they sell at the grocery store for like a buck each. Usually there are one or two fish fillets and a cup or so of scallops.


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Mine are big egg fans, it's all they'd eat if I let them. You can mix in some pre-killed bugs and berries to make it more interesting.


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5 Year Member
fish(salmon&telapia) eggs,papaya and strawberries are always a huge hit around here

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
rhetoricx said:
roaches for sure, they're really crunchy and pretty nutritious. All of my tegus love blueberries and strawberies, I'm not sure if a baby would eat them though. Its funny to see them eat worms, they're really juicy. My tegus love different kinds of fish and seafood. I think their favorite so far has been scallops. I just get the little frozen packs they sell at the grocery store for like a buck each. Usually there are one or two fish fillets and a cup or so of scallops.

:) Yes,.. my crew would vouch for blueberries, strawberries and scallops. Plus practically any melon,.. not too hot for raspberries but blackberries they were all over.

Dino's all time favorites seafood wise was Salmon and Scallops. Once he stuffed his self if there was any left over :rolleyes: he would just about roll in it. First he would wipe his mouth like they do when they're done. Then he would rub his neck and jowls in it. Tuck his front legs back and slide through it. After a few times of having to clean him and the mess up I cut back on how much I gave him. lol


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HornWorms hands down, best thing ever! They are large and green and when the tegus bite down into them they are soft and green guts go everywhere!!

Strawberries are good to. I do not know if you can get hornworms in europe. Im gonna pick some up at the reptile show coming up in June.


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5 Year Member
Bubblz Calhoun said:
:) Yes,.. my crew would vouch for blueberries, strawberries and scallops. Plus practically any melon,.. not too hot for raspberries but blackberries they were all over.

Dino's all time favorites seafood wise was Salmon and Scallops. Once he stuffed his self if there was any left over :rolleyes: he would just about roll in it. First he would wipe his mouth like they do when they're done. Then he would rub his neck and jowls in it. Tuck his front legs back and slide through it. After a few times of having to clean him and the mess up I cut back on how much I gave him. lol

Hahahahaha they're so funny! I wish they weren't so messy when it came to eating but its just in their nature.. I don't know what it is about the fish/sea food but they all seem to love it. I'll have to try melon.


New Member
Thanks all for the reactions !
I tried some of the stuff ( salmon, egg, strawberries and nightcrawlers ) and Herpgirl, you where right he loves the nightcrawlers !:D
Melon and papaya are on the tryout list for next week.
Its great that even as a new tegu parent you will get much respons on this forum :)


New Member
Haha, this is great info, just thinking imagine if you had company, and mixed up your tegu omelet with theirs lol. Roach and blueberry surprise haha.

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