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starting to build enclosure...


i almost have the base of the enclosure done then i ran out of screws... rest has to wait till tomorrow. elmo is very unhappy cuz i had to pull all her stuff out of her tank to move it (shes deff out grown it) and her heat lamp and uvb is off, i had to move all the snakes against the far wall so they arent happy after that fun ride.

my 10 x3 enclosure is goin to b awesome when its done. i found some cheap ply wood, and need a few more 2x4s, i want to seal the ply wood and paint the outside. i have her new hides, new pool and new basking rock...and i have all the hardware. i need ideas for the door. i want 2 doors that open separately. like a barn door but i haven't figured out how to do it.the whole top will open up for easy cleaning but will solid. her pool is 2x2, 1ft deep but she wont b able to use it till she bigger.

i need to buy bedding still. i want spectrum moss and cypress mulch

im keeping track of the cost so i can tell u later ;)

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