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Taming! Yep...again!


Active Member
hey guys quick question I got a male chacoan a couple weeks ago and I was wondering if this mad man will ever chill out and be willing to hold. I have gotten ahold of him a few times however he usually whips hisses and bolts to his underground cave. I don't dig him out of the cave I built I just let em go. I figure this is normal anyone else experience this and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Individuals vary. Place a sweaty used t-shirt in his hide. Take him out when he's sleepy and put his head under your shirt on your lap. Also, if he's at rest, place to our hand in enclosure and pet him and also talk to him any time you are interacting with him. Lastly, make sure his hide is on the cool end of his enclosure so that he can rest/sleep comfortably in a warm-cool spot.
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Active Member
so its ok to chase them around the tank in order to get ahold of them? He seems to calm down once I have him in my hands. I take it this is just something everyone goes through at first


Active Member
So far so good just updating although he doesn't like being picked up he hisses and whips but once he's done squirming he settles in and I can hold him for hours no problem. I hung out with him in my hand under a shirt that was rolled up on my lap. So far so good he is also starting to associate me with food as I wait to feed him until I get home. Granted he doesn't eat one of the dozen crickets hiding out in his enclosure. I tap on the glass lightly and he comes right over. Hopefully with time he will chill out some more. Either way I love em! Such a cool little snake like lizard! Def not like anything I have had before. Chameleon is my man however I dot hold him. It's nice to be able to handle and hand raise a larger reptile.


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I think that tegus outgrow crickets quickly. They are creatures of extreme habit. A known hide, a known food bowl, a routine, etc. he'll have his own daily pattern. He'll get used to your picking him up. It's strange for them. Always slide hands underneath. Don't grab from above. Then give them solid purchase- chest, lap, etc.


Active Member
That's good to know its hard to get my hand underneath him when he's dashing around the tank. I will def try t tomorrow. Should this be an every day thing or give it a rest? Thanks again


Active Member
daily maintenance will eventually calm them as well. I know a person who raises tegus and does not touch them till one year. But after a year of maintenance, they are already associated with him and take to handling easily :). Not sure if that really helps with anything though lol.


Active Member
yea thanks dude so far so good. I had him out yesterday and it seems to be getting easier and easier to pick him up. No drastic changes yet however its def going in the right direction!

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